In short

Today's other stoires in brief

Today's other stoires in brief

Letter bomb explodes at toll office

LONDON - A letter bomb exploded at the London headquarters of the company which administers the British capital's traffic congestion toll, injuring one woman employee.

The services company Capita, which also processes the payment of television licences, said in a statement: "Capita can confirm a small incident at its Victoria Street office this morning, involving an incendiary device." - ( Reuters)


House of Lords vote defies Blair

LONDON - The House of Lords defied prime minister Tony Blair's government yesterday by voting to allow prison governors to be prosecuted over deaths of prisoners in custody.

Some members of the Labour Party joined opposition and independent lawmakers in defeating the government over the corporate manslaughter bill, a key plank of the government's legislative programme. - ( Reuters)

DRC names new government

KINSHASA - Democratic Republic of Congo named a new government yesterday to run Africa's third-biggest country after landmark elections last year aimed at ending decades of chaos and warfare, state television reported.

After weeks of delays, a decree read out on state television named the new government of Antoine Gizenga, an opposition veteran named as prime minister in December by the president, Joseph Kabila.

- (Reuters)

Polish defence minister resigns

WARSAW - The Polish defence minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, resigned yesterday, following media reports of disagreements with the prime minister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, who immediately picked a loyalist to succeed him.

Aleksander Szczyglo, chief of staff in the office of President Lech Kaczynski, the prime minister's twin brother, said he had been asked to take over at the ministry. - (Reuters)

Dutch PM agrees coalition deal

AMSTERDAM - The Dutch prime minister, Jan Peter Balkenende, agreed a draft coalition accord with leaders of the Labour party and a small religious party, and sent it to parliamentary factions for approval yesterday.

Once the coalition parties approve the accord, Mr Balkenende can form the next government. - (Reuters)

Motown pianist Joe Hunter dies

DETROIT - Three-time Grammy-winning pianist Joe Hunter of the Funk Brothers studio band behind numerous Motown hits has been found dead in his Detroit apartment, the Detroit police said.

Hunter (79) was a diabetic but the cause of his death was not immediately known. His son told a local paper it appeared he was trying to take some medicine when he died. He was found dead on Friday.

- ( Reuters)