IBEC criticises Government's childcare strategy

The Government’s childcare strategy was today described as a shambles by IBEC.

The Government’s childcare strategy was today described as a shambles by IBEC.

IBEC social policy director Ms Jackie Harrison said: "The Government’s approach to date is simply not delivering the required level of affordable childcare places".

Ms Harrison said the State has failed to begin to develop and implement a long-term strategy for childcare.

IBEC said representations would be made to the Government in the autumn and that childcare provision would be central to its pre-Budget submission.


IBEC claims working parents with two children facing childcare bills of between £10,000 and £15,000 per annum is not sustainable.

It said a capitation grant scheme must be introduced to alleviate the cost of childcare.

IBEC claims fiscal measures introduced by the Government in this area have not delivered the required number of new childcare places.

After last year’s Budget the Government was criticised because of the absence of tax relief for childcare costs.

Under the National Development Plan the Government has pledged to invest up to £290 million for childcare.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times