Ian Dury's Lyrics

"I know there's much more to life than the sensual side, and the spiritual should come first, but when she's buttering my baguette…

"I know there's much more to life than the sensual side, and the spiritual should come first, but when she's buttering my baguette, I think I'm going to burst." (Geraldine)

"Here's a little bit of advice, you're quite welcome, it is free. Don't do nothing that is cut price, you know what that'll make you be. They will try their tricky device, trap you with the ordinary. Get your teeth into a small slice - the cake of liberty." (Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll)

"Hit me, hit me, hit me with your rhythm stick. Hit me slowly, hit me quick, it's nice to be a lunatic, hit me, hit me, hit me." (Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick)

"You wore a bandanna, I wore navy blue, we met in Havana at a quarter past two, across the Savannah and down to the beach, you munched a banana, I nibbled a peach, you played a small solo, I muffled my drum, you offered a polo, I stuck with my gum, I danced a light polka, you threw a few hoops, I was Oskar Homolka, you were Marjarie Proops." (Honeysuckle Highway)