HSE patients: wait to be contacted

PATIENTS WHO had operations rescheduled ahead of the anticipated public sector strike will be contacted today by phone or text…

PATIENTS WHO had operations rescheduled ahead of the anticipated public sector strike will be contacted today by phone or text to have their appointments restored, according to the HSE.

Patients scheduled to receive non-emergency surgeries and procedures tomorrow were contacted yesterday while negotiations continued between the Government and unions. However, following the decision to suspend the strike, hospitals will today contact patients to restore appointments. “Where possible, arrangements which were in place for Thursday will be reinstated,” a spokeswoman for the HSE said, adding this would apply in the majority of cases.

She said “every effort” would be made to contact patients tomorrow but urged patients not to show up at hospitals if they had not been contacted. Where there is doubt over appointments, the spokeswoman encouraged patients to contact their hospital directly.