Tips for diabetics: food shopping made easy

Bread is not fattening. One slice of standard white loaf contains only 1.3g of fat which is very low

Bread is not fattening. One slice of standard white loaf contains only 1.3g of fat which is very low. Any food containing over 20g of fat per 100g is a high fat food, while anything containing under 3g is low fat.

Starchy foods like potatoes, pasta, rice and bread should form the basis of any healthy diet. Always go for granary or wholemeal breads and opt for brown rice and wholewheat pasta where possible.

Go for tomato-based sauces which are lower in fat and sugar and steer clear of white creamy sauces.

Steer clear of honey and choose low-sugar jams and marmalades instead.


Opt for plain fairy cakes, madeira and fruit cakes. When it comes to biscuits, stick with Rich Tea or Marietta.

Check the fat and sugar content of yoghurts as many of those marked low fat such as yoghurt drinks are packed with sugar.

Choose low-fat cheese or Edam, light cream and cottage cheese. Grate rather than cut in thick slices.

Always go for an olive oil-based spread and avoid real butter which is very high in animal fats.

Buy low-fat milk which is actually higher in calcium than full fat and if you don't eat fish, a good way of getting the essential Omega 3 nutrients is through the new Omega milks.

Drink eight to 10 cups of fluid, including tea and coffee every day when eating a diet high in fibre. Always choose diet minerals and no added sugar cordials and, of course, drink plenty of water.

One of the highest fat foods in the supermarket and one that is a staple of many trolleys, particularly where there are children in the family, is the frozen pizza.

But an average pizza contains 1,000 calories, over half the recommended daily allowance for women and exactly half that for men.

Fillet chicken is one of the lowest fat foods you can buy, but there is a very high fat content in processed chicken products such as chicken kievs or breaded chicken.

One of the best foods you could possibly put into your trolley is oily fish like salmon, mackerel and sardines which are just as good tinned as fresh and should be eaten twice a week.

Always go for olive or sunflower oils, but keep the quantities down.

Baked beans are a very good option as they are high in fibre, low in fat and sugar, and cheap.

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, especially for a diabetic after fasting overnight. A low-sugar high-fibre cereal or wholemeal toast is the ideal breakfast.

Porridge is highly recommended as research shows that oats lower cholesterol and keep the blood sugars steady for a long time unlike the new ranges of breakfast bars which are packed with sugar.