Reader response

Re: Medical Matters, Healthplus, August 11th Dear Sir, Dr Muiris Houston says that to address alcohol misuse in Ireland, we …

Re: Medical Matters, Healthplus, August 11thDear Sir, Dr Muiris Houston says that to address alcohol misuse in Ireland, we should follow the example of Finland where consumption levels have fallen in recent years. On behalf of the Drinks Industry Group of Ireland, I would like to state that Finland is not necessarily the optimum model to follow.

There has been, and continues to be, a national issue with misuse in that country, despite restrictions on the sale and availability of alcohol and high levels of taxation (although not as high
as Ireland). There is also very significant purchasing of alcohol by Finns in lower-tax Baltic countries for consumption at home.
Further, it is incorrect to state, as Dr Houston does, that consumption levels in Ireland are out of control. There has been a marked decline in consumption in recent years and the statement that average Irish consumption levels are 13.5 litres is simply incorrect.
Industry and Government estimate (based on data supplied by the Revenue Commissioners) that in 2008 average consumption levels declined to 9.9 litres per head – back to 1997 levels.
In regard to binge-drinking, the drinks industry has long supported the recommended weekly guidelines and we have consistently called on the Government to legislate for the introduction of unit information and pregnancy advice information to be displayed on alcohol product labels.
Dr Houston cites research and statistics that state that much late-night public order offences and hospital admissions are related to the "closure of many bars at 2am". Does he therefore
support the drinks industry's call for sequential closing times of bars and nightclubs? Informed individual decision-making and responsibility are key to addressing this challenge.
For that reason the drinks industry has supported a range of measures and initiatives including the establishment of Mature Enjoyment of Alcohol in Society (MEAS) that is designed to educate people
about alcohol and their consumption, in particular through the highly visible
We will continue to support these measures and play our part in addressing misuse in partnership with Government and other stakeholders. We do so because alcohol misuse is absolutely not in
the best long-term interests of our industry. Addressing misuse through restricting availability or increased taxation would simply penalise the majority of Irish people who consume alcohol in a responsible and moderate fashion.
Yours etc,
Kieran Tobin,
Chairman, Drinks Industry
Group of Ireland,
Dublin 4