On the Couch

Adrian Ahern , Manager of mental health services, Galway Primary, Community and Continuing Care.

Adrian Ahern, Manager of mental health services, Galway Primary, Community and Continuing Care.

Personal/family:Married to Mary Frances with four children, Barry, Robert, Ciara and Brian, who died in a farm accident in 1989.

What figure from the world of medicine or health do you most admire?

Dr Noel Browne.


What other career might you have chosen?


If you could grant three wishes for the health service, what would they be?

A service that cares about the patient, improved staff morale and adequate funding.

What is your greatest fear?


Have you ever been a patient and were you a good one?

Yes I have been a patient and no I was not a good one.

When or where were you happiest?

When the children were born.

How do you cope with stress?

Reading, sleeping and walking.

What is the trait you most admire in yourself?

An ability to get on with people.

What is the trait you most dislike in yourself?


Do you use alternative or complementary medicine or therapies?


Who or what makes you laugh?

Tommy Tiernan.

What is your motto?

Service above self.

What is your favourite TV or radio programme?

Little Britain and The Business on RTÉ Radio 1 on Sunday mornings.

What books would you take to a desert island?

The Secret World of the Irish Maleby Joseph O'Connor and A First Confessionby Frank O'Connor.