My Kind of Exercise

Power walking can make for a great workout, but it also allows for some quality time alone to think about new ideas for all those…

Power walking can make for a great workout, but it also allows for some quality time alone to think about new ideas for all those books, author Suzanne Higgins tells Patricia Weston

Do you take regular exercise?

Well, I'm 37 years old and I have three kids so I have to keep fit. I power walk regularly. I have two circuits I walk in Blackrock that last about an hour. I think walking is fantastic. It's my solitary down time and I get to do a lot of thinking and come up with concepts for my books.

I love the endorphin rush I get from exercise and when I come home afterwards I feel great. I also enjoy gardening which is good exercise.


Ever been a member of a gym?

Yes, but I've cut down on the gym lately because I find that I push myself too hard so I become exhausted. After a session in the gym I'm vacuum-sucked to the sofa. I still go the odd time and I work out on the treadmill, the cross-trainer and the exercise bike.

What other exercise activities have you tried?

I used to play tennis and I enjoyed it, it was great craic but I gave it up because I didn't have the time.

I tried golf but it's an activity you can only do if you don't have kids. It's a full day activity. I keep meaning to take up yoga. My sister is a yoga teacher and she told me it could help my gammy knee.

Do you think exercise is important?

I think exercise is really important, it's so important it should be enshrined. I think it's necessary to keep kids active and playing outdoors. I bought a trampoline for my kids and they absolutely love it.

My family always exercised. My Dad power walks every day and my Mum plays tennis three times a week. Exercise makes you feel good and it's so good for you.

Are you conscious about what you eat?

I am health conscious. I think my vintage of women are figure conscious. I'd be a size 10 to 12 which I think is fine but I wouldn't let myself get to a size 14. I love cream and chips but I do eat good foods like brown bread, fruit and apples. My kids love vegetables so they're always on the menu.

How do you cope with stress?

I think everyone gets stressed at some stage. About a year and a half ago I was doing too much and everything got out of hand so I slowed down and stopped working for a while. I pulled back and got the equilibrium back in my life. Life is all about balance.

Suzanne's latest novel The Woman He Loves is published by Poolbeg.

Patricia Weston recommends:

Power walking is more than just walking or strolling; it involves using the muscles in your arms, shoulders and upper body along with your legs to gain a greater workout.

Power walking can burn just as many calories as running but it is not as hard on the joints.

When you're power walking, walk tall and maintain good posture by looking ahead. Keep your shoulders down, back and relaxed and your chest forward.

If you tighten the muscles of your abs and buttocks as you walk, you'll tone these muscles too.

Bend your arms in a 90-degree angle and swing them front to back.

Push off with your toes using your calf muscles to propel you.

To move faster take smaller steps rather than long strides.

As you walk take deep even breaths to get the maximum amount of oxygen flowing through your system.

It is not advisable to carry weights or attach weights to your ankles as this can put an extra strain on muscles.

Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates instructor.

Consult a physician or qualified healthcare provider before embarking on any exercise regime.