My Kind of Exercise

Trevor Keegan, presenter of the Breakfast Show on Waterford's 102-103 Beat FM tells Patricia Weston about his love of walking…

Trevor Keegan, presenter of the Breakfast Show on Waterford's 102-103 Beat FM tells Patricia Weston about his love of walking.

Are you a regular exerciser?

I've only started exercising in the last few months. I saw a picture of myself recently and noticed I'd put on a bit of weight. I looked really jowly so I thought I'd better do something about it. I live close to the sea and I go for long walks in Greystones for an hour every day, and as I'll be moving to Waterford soon I'm looking forward to taking walks on Tramore beach. Walking is great because it clears your head.

How do you feel since you started exercising regularly?


I feel much lighter because I've lost about a stone in weight. I feel better, I've more energy and I'm sleeping better. I also find that my head is clearer because I can work stuff out in my head while I walk.

Do you follow a balanced diet?

Since I started exercising I've cut out junk food to lose some weight and try to be healthier. When I worked in AA roadwatch I ate junk all day, I'd have cream cakes, chocolate and crisps all day and then if I was out late I'd come home, sit in front of the TV and eat a whole packet of biscuits.

Now I've cut out chocolate, biscuits, crisps and fizzy drinks. I'm finding it tough but I'm determined to stick to it. It's a slow process but my clothes are becoming looser.

Have you ever dieted?

I have this Matt Robert's diet book. It's a very severe six-week diet plan, I keeping saying I'll start it one of these days but never seem to get around to it.

Did you play sports at school?

I went to rugby school but I never played. I played a bit of tennis because that was the only sport I was good at.

Have you ever been a member of a gym?

Yes, I used to be a member of a gym in Dublin and made an effort to go two to three times a week but I always found excuses not to go. I found everything I wanted to get fit was there but I hated the monotony of the treadmill and the same scenery so I got fed up and my membership lapsed last September.

Are there any activities you would like to try?

I'm going to try to learn to swim. I've always had a fear of water but I want to overcome it.

Patricia Weston recommends:

Swimming provides a total cardiovascular workout. Doing the front crawl for an hour can burn up to 288 calories.

There are four basic strokes: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle.

It's a low impact exercise because of the water's natural buoyancy. The water supports 90 per cent of your body weight so there is no friction on your joints. This helps prevent injury and post-workout soreness.

It's suitable for people of all ages including babies, pregnant women and the elderly.

Water is 14 times thicker than air so it offers plenty of muscle toning resistance whichever direction you move.

Aim to swim for 20-60 minutes, three to five days a week for a great workout.

Patricia Weston is an NCEHS fitness instructor, personal trainer and Pilates instructor.

Consult a physician or qualified healthcare provider before embarking on any exercise regime and stop exercising if you feel nauseous or dizzy.