
•BABY TALK: Having a baby in the 21st century is the theme of a public meeting tomorrow at 6pm in the Royal College of Physicians…

•BABY TALK: Having a baby in the 21st century is the theme of a public meeting tomorrow at 6pm in the Royal College of Physicians, 6 Kildare St, Dublin.

Chaired by broadcast journalist Miriam O'Callaghan, the meeting will be addressed by Prof Deirdre Murphy from the Coombe Women's Hospital, Dr Daniel McKenna from Cork University Hospital and Dr Michael Geary, master of the Rotunda Hospital.

Topics include the safety of mother and baby in pregnancy, the role of ultrasound technology and high-risk obstetrics. Admission is free but tickets must be booked in advance, tel: 01-8639700 or

•LUNCH SERIES: A series of lunchtime talks at the Oscailt Integrative Health Centre, 8 Pembroke Road, Dublin 4 starts on Friday with a talk on your relationships with others and yourself. Subsequent talks will focus on the Alexander technique (February 29th), creating the life you want (March 7th) and homeopathy (March 14th). Each talk runs from 1.10pm to 1.45pm. Admission is free. Tel: 01-6603872 for more details. See also


•WELL AT WORK: Wellbeing is often viewed as something to be developed outside of working hours yet many people spend more time at work than anywhere else. Engaging fully with your working life is the theme of a weekend retreat at Dzogchen Beara Tibetan Buddhist retreat centre in Co Cork from February 29th to March 2nd. The weekend costs €€160, tel: 027-73032 or