
SHORT-TERM RELIEF: Using topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis is only…

SHORT-TERM RELIEF: Using topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) to relieve the pain of osteoarthritis is only beneficial for the first two weeks, a new study has found. Researchers analysed 13 trials comparing topical NSAIDS with oral NSAIDS in osteoarthritis.

Topical NSAIDS were superior to placebo in relieving pain due to osteoarthritis only in the first two weeks of treatment. However, topical NSAIDS were associated with more local side effects. The study found a lack of evidence to support their long-term use (more than one month).

The authors concluded that current recommendations for their topical use in osteoarthritis may need to be revised.

DON'T COUGH UP: Cough medicines bought over the counter may be a waste of money, according to new research. A trial of 100 children with upper respiratory tract infections found that over-the-counter cough syrups containing diphenhydramine and dextromethorphan were no better than flavoured water at reducing night-time coughing and sleeping difficulties.


The authors said that time and proper hydration were the best treatments for this condition.

SILENT SIGNS: Erectile dysfunction is associated with "silent" coronary heart disease in people with apparently uncomplicated type 2 diabetes. This appears to have two implications.

First, erectile dysfunction might become a useful marker to identify diabetic patients at risk of silent heart disease. In addition, it is suggested that it would be prudent for an exercise ECG to be performed before starting treatment for erectile dysfunction, especially in those with other cardiovascular risk factors.

SPIRITUAL PRACTICE: Shamanism is the spiritual practice used by native Americans to learn about their surroundings, communicate with the spirits and to heal themselves. Later this month, visiting shamanic healer Peter Howe will offer the opportunity to experience a traditional one-day sweatlodge ceremony or two-day Vision Quest Journey at Slí na Bande, Co Wicklow from August 26th to 29th. For more information see: or tel: 086 8418475.