Healing foods

Foods that can heal

Foods that can heal

Ginger: Like honey, ginger has been used in many different cultures for medicinal purposes over the years. It's good for reducing nausea and has been used as a cure for motion sickness. It has anti-inflammatory properties, and ginger oil can be rubbed into joints to help relieve mild arthritis. Ginger can also be used as a decongestant and it can also aid digestion. One of the easiest ways to avail of these benefits is by dropping a small piece of ginger into a cup of hot water and adding lemon and sugar or honey to taste.

Garlic: Current research into garlic has found it to be another powerful weapon in the fight against superbugs. It has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties as well as being an anti-oxidant. The ingredient within garlic that inhibits the growth of bacteria is called allicin. It is only activated when garlic is crushed so in order to take full advantage of this, you should crush garlic 10 or 15 minutes before you actually use it The only drawback is that cooking the garlic causes it to lose about 90 per cent of its allicin.

Chillis: Contrary to popular belief, there is no evidence that chillis cause stomach ulcers, but some says they actually aid digestion. They contain a compound called capsicum which helps to improve circulation. It also acts as an anti-coagulant, preventing dangerous blood clots. Current research into chillis is focusing on their anti-inflammatory and pain relief properties. Yale University researchers developed a type of sweet containing capsicum to provide pain relief from mouth ulcers.