Dos & Don'ts

Dos & Don'ts of laser surgery

Dos & Don'ts of laser surgery

• Do research the qualifications of the surgeon and the track record of your chosen clinic. Talk to someone who has had it done.

• Do read up and consider the possible risks involved.

• Do your homework on the costs involved, including travel and accommodation and time off work.


• Do follow the instructions of the consultant both before and after surgery.

• Give yourself a few days to recover.

• Do keep strictly to the regime of applying the proper drops for seven days after surgery.

• Do keep your post-operative check-up appointments.

• Don't wear make-up on the day of assessment or surgery.

• Don't wear contact lenses for a week before your assessment or surgery as they can temporarily change the shape of the cornea.

• Keep water and shampoos and detergents strictly away from your eyes for at least two weeks after surgery.