ON Thursday from 9.15 a.m. to 4 p.m

ON Thursday from 9.15 a.m. to 4 p.m., there will be a conference on adolescent women's health care at the Coombe Women's Hospital in Dublin. Topics include sexually transmitted diseases in teenagers, teenage pregnancy and adolescent gynaecology. The conference will be opened by Minister for State, Avril Doyle. The cost is £40, which includes lunch. To book, phone 01-4537561.

TOMORROW at 8.15 p.m. there will be a lecture by Prof Ivor Browne on "The Developing Role of the Psychotherapist Today" at Room 4050A, Arts Block, Trinity College, Dublin. The organisers are the Irish Association of Jungian Psychotherapists and the cost is £5.

ON Wednesday, April 3rd, the Asperger Syndrome Association of Ireland (ASPIRE) is holding a one day conference entitled "Strategies for Living with Asperger Syndrome" at the Forte Crest Hotel, Dublin Airport, from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Speakers will include Prof Digby Tantam, University of Sheffield, an expert on autistic spectrum disorders. The cost is £30 for parents and relations and £60 for professionals; £10 for students and unwaged. To book, phone 01-2871122.

ON Wednesday and Thursday at UCD the British Diabetic Association is having, its bi-annual scientific meeting, with about 800 delegates from all over Europe. Those attending include specialists in all areas that diabetes can affect, such as eyes, kidneys and hypoglycaemia. Speakers include Prof Gerald Tomkin, chairman of the Irish Diabetic Association. The dizzying array of topics ranges from Beta Cell Destruction in Diabetes, and Immune Therapy of Auto Immune Disease to Heart Disease and Diabetes the Italian or the Irish Way?


THE Cork Marriage Counselling Centre offers a special programme called Children of Marital Breakdown, an education programme for separating parents, with practical guided lines to help them understand - and deal with children's reactions to marital separation. The next programme takes place from 6.15 to 10 p.m. on May 1st at the Cork Marriage Counselling Centre, 34 Paul Street, Cork. Booking is already brisk. The cost is a donation to the Centre. Tel: 021-275678.

ON the same topic, a list of qualified mediators is now available for couples who have decided to separate. Send an SAE to The Secretariat, Mediators' Institute Ireland, 13 Royal Terrace West, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin. Tel: 01-2845277.

NATIONAL Donor Forget Me Not Week starts on Friday. Silk Forget Me Nots will be on sale on behalf of the Irish Kidney Association for £1 each. The money raised will go to fund the public awareness programme for organ donation.