
Have you ever heard of a distended kidney? I have been told that a kidney stone has caused this and I need someone to explain…

Have you ever heard of a distended kidney? I have been told that a kidney stone has caused this and I need someone to explain what exactly it is and how did the stone cause it?

Hydronephrosis or distended kidney is caused when there is an obstruction in the flow of urine out of the kidney. Normally, urine flows out of the kidney at extremely low pressure. When the flow is obstructed, as in your case by a kidney stone or calculus, the urine backs up in the small tubes of the kidney and the central collecting area known as the renal pelvis.

When this happens the kidney becomes distended and the pressure in the kidney's internal structures is increased. The pressure can cause damage and may result in loss of function.

The problem came on quickly and I experienced severe pain in my side between my hip and rib cage. Is this the usual sign of hydronephrosis?


Those who develop the problem acutely usually complain of severe renal colic - flank pain - as you describe. People who develop the problem slowly over time may have few symptoms and may only have short attacks of dull discomfort on the side affected.

In either case hydronephrosis can cause vague intestinal symptoms such as vomiting, nausea and abdominal pain. Early diagnosis is very important to avoid irreversible kidney damage. An ultrasound examination is useful in diagnosing the cause and location of the problem. Sometimes a dye is injected into the blood stream and an X-ray taken of the bladder and ureter or an endoscope is used to aid diagnosis.Treatment will depend on the cause of the problem.

I've been told it is quite a big stone and will need surgery but I'm not so keen.

If the stone is causing problems, then it is best to have it removed. As the risk of urinary tract infection and kidney failure are high if no action is taken, I think you should take your doctor's advice and have the surgery. Treatment for acute hydronephrosis is usually very successful once the obstruction is removed and the kidneys begin to function adequately.