
Ingrowing toenails: This probably sounds like a minor problem, but my toe is really killing me

Ingrowing toenails: This probably sounds like a minor problem, but my toe is really killing me. It started with a slight discomfort at the edge of my big toenail but now it's become sore, swollen and is weeping a bit. Any idea what's causing it?

The cause of your problem could be an ingrowing toenail which has become infected. An ingrowing toenail happens when the nail at the side of the big toe curves, so that it starts to grow into the skin. This can be very painful and, if neglected, it can become infected.

I was under the impression that you could only get ingrowing toenails from wearing high shoes. As a man, high heels don't feature too strongly in my wardrobe.

Well, the problem can be caused by tight, ill-fitting shoes, regardless of their height. But a major reason for ingrowing nails is the incorrect cutting of the toenails. If you cut your nails on a curve down the sides, the nail edges can grow into the skin. A spike of nail becomes embedded in the skin and causes pain and discomfort. That said, there are some people who, despite their best efforts, have wide nails that are prone to growing inwards.


So, what can I do about it?

If you have an infected toenail, you really should see your doctor who may decide to remove a wedge of nail or the skin fold so that the leading edge of the nail lies free.

You will also require antibiotic treatment to clear the infection. Once the infection has gone, you can follow a few easy steps to prevent a recurrence of the problem.

You must cut your nails straight across so that the outer parts of the nail are longer than the centre.

Avoid cutting the nail in a curve, as this encourages the nail edges to grow into the delicate skin.

Be careful not to dig the scissors into the soft skin around the nail as this can cause further damage and could be a site for further infection.

Try to keep the area clean and dry and avoid tight, ill-fitting socks, tights and shoes. But probably the best piece of advice I can offer you is to book an appointment with a qualified chiropodist who will show you how best to look after your nails.