Back to pre-modern cuisine

Across western society there are people who are now so fearful of the food they eat they are now reverting back to pre-modern…

Across western society there are people who are now so fearful of the food they eat they are now reverting back to pre-modern cuisine.

These Palaeolithic diets are derived from archaeological accounts of human food consumption in the hunter-gatherer era and they are justified on the grounds that, genetically, these foods are part of the long-term evolution of homo sapiens.

They emphasise the necessity of eating fat and especially the full-fat of grass-fed animals, eliminating all carbohydrates and dairy products, and all artificial foods, particularly margarine, vegetable oils and soy.

Perhaps closer to the mainstream, another new development is to select diets that are as close as possible to those traditionally eaten in the place you come from.


There are numerous new diets based on the rejection of orthodox dietary advice.

Paleolithic diet: hunter gatherer, emphasising a broad range of naturally occurring foods.

Raw Paleolithic: hunter-gatherer without matches.

Homo Optimus: for new ideas on optimising protein, fat and carbohydrate intake.

Omega diet: balanced fats in a specific Mediterranean diet drawing on eating habits on the island of Crete.

The Specific Carbohydrate diet: eliminating targeted carbohydrates to cure colitis.

Low Carb: a generic slimming diet.

All types available at a website near you.