Having a neck for snoring

London - Scientists in Scotland believe they may have discovered why wives and girlfriends complain so much about their husbands…

London - Scientists in Scotland believe they may have discovered why wives and girlfriends complain so much about their husbands and partners snoring.

Researchers at Western General hospital in Edinburgh believe a difference in the bulk of neck muscle is probably the reason. Their research is published in Thorax, a medical journal.

Being overweight and having a thick neck are known risk factors for snoring. Dr Adam Whittle and his team were puzzled about why women, who have higher rates of obesity and greater overall body fat, did not snore as much as men. So they did a comparative study of male and female necks.

Snoring is caused by the vibration in an airway that is almost collapsed. During the day the extra muscle bulk keeps the airways open but at night it could have the opposite effect.