Hardline Serbs predict big election gains

A hardline Serbian leader whose party is leading in opinion polls just days before a general election confidently predicted today…

A hardline Serbian leader whose party is leading in opinion polls just days before a general election confidently predicted today his resurgent Radicals would get into power soon.

Voter surveys showing the Radical Party, officially led by war crimes suspect Mr Vojislav Seselj from behind bars at The Hague tribunal, likely to become parliament's biggest in Sunday's election have sparked concern both at home and abroad.

Pro-democracy parties that united to oust Mr Slobodan Milosevic in 2000 after a decade of wars in the Balkans but later split acrimoniously are still expected to win a majority between them.

But analysts warn it could be difficult to form a stable reform coalition and that another vote is likely before the four-year mandate ends - a view apparently shared by acting Radical Party head Mr Tomislav Nikolic.


"If we cannot win an outright majority to form a government now, we'll do it in six months after new elections," Mr Nikolic said.

He was speaking as an opinion poll said the Radical Party would win a quarter of the vote. "They'll be the largest party," said pollster Mr Srdjan Bogosavljevic of Strategic Marketing.