Handful of nations immune to Obamamania

In parts of Asia and eastern Europe, Obama's win generated not hope, but fear, writes Julian Borger

In parts of Asia and eastern Europe, Obama's win generated not hope, but fear, writes Julian Borger

NEVER BEFORE has one country's election been followed so closely around the world, and if there had ever been any doubt whose side the rest of the world was on it would have been drowned out by the cheering on most of the planet's television screens.

After a little throat-clearing, even Iran joined in. The Tehran Times, the English-language organ of Iran's theocracy, said: "The world has heaved a collective sigh of relief because their candidate has won the US presidential election."

Amid the global euphoria, it was easy to forget that there were still small corners of the world immune to Obamamania.


Gallup surveyed 73 countries in the run-up to Tuesday's election and found four where John McCain was more popular than Barack Obama: Philippines, Cambodia, Laos and Georgia. In Pakistan, the two candidates were tied at 5 per cent each, with the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis casting a "pox on both your houses" vote.

Gallup did not poll in Israel, where other surveys had shown strong support for McCain, at least until Obama visited last summer and appeared to reassure Israelis that the fact that his middle name was Hussein did not mean he was going to pick sides. The polls swung his way soon afterwards. The Jerusalem Post greeted his victory with an editorial headlined: "Mazal tov, Obama" (Congratulations, Obama).

The centre of opposition to Obama's charm was not to be found in the Middle East or eastern Europe or any other active faultline of global politics, but in southeast Asia. Philippines, Cambodia and Laos would all have voted against Obama if the poll is to be believed, with the biggest pro-McCain vote in Philippines.

It's not personal. The Philippines press applauded Obama's personal triumph and the ethnic breakthrough it represented. The problem is trade.

"Philippine relations with the United States have entered a period of uncertainty with the election of Barack Obama . . . " the Inquirer said. The paper said "fears were also expressed in many parts of Asia that Obama's victory would herald the advent of protectionist policies in Washington".

Compounding all this, there seemed to be a personal problem brewing even before Obama enters the Oval Office. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the Philippine president, appeared to have been miffed when Obama failed to take her call offering congratulations.

The main worry in Cambodia and Laos was also Obama's comments on trade, and its impact on American manufacturing. Cambodia is worried about the threat to its textile exports, fearing that the new administration in Washington will be protectionist.

Obama was also unpopular in Georgia but for different reasons. In August, with the two-year presidential campaign approaching its climax in the US, Georgia attacked South Ossetia, a secessionist enclave linked to Moscow.

McCain, who has holidayed in Georgia and admired the country's defiance, spoke out immediately in its defence. Obama was more cautious, telling reporters: "I think it is important at this point for all sides to show restraint and to stop this armed conflict." He later adjusted his position, arguing that, "no matter how this conflict started", Russia had gone too far by occupying large tracts of Georgian territory, but by then the damage in Georgian eyes was already done.

Apart from the trade issue this seemed to be the main source of Obama-scepticism abroad - a fear, among former Soviet states especially - that he would not be as assertive in defending their independence from Russia.

In Lithuania, for the same reason, Obama tied with McCain in the Gallup poll.

In Pakistan, that anxiety was reversed.

When Obama declared that he might order US forces into Pakistan in pursuit of al-Qaeda militants, his popularity nosedived. Since then, George Bush has done the same thing, and so the sense of outrage is more evenly spread. If anything, Obama's reputation in Pakistan is going through something of a rehabilitation, as his life story has become better known.

Other than Nelson Mandela, it is hard to think of any public figure who has so united the world in praise. For real vitriol you had to come to Britain and read the Spectator magazine's website, where its columnist Melanie Phillips wrote: "The enemies of America, freedom and the West will certainly be rejoicing today. They have stormed the very citadel on Pennsylvania Avenue itself." - (Guardian service)