Governor greets queen in Australia

AUSTRALIA: Britain's Queen Elizabeth arrived in Australia yesterday and was welcomed by the Governor-General, whose controversial…

AUSTRALIA: Britain's Queen Elizabeth arrived in Australia yesterday and was welcomed by the Governor-General, whose controversial handling of child sex-abuse claims threatens to overshadow her five-day visit.

Dr Peter Hollingworth shook hands with the queen and Prince Philip after they landed at the southern city of Adelaide in their chartered British Airways jet. He then guided her to a waiting car.

Dr Hollingworth has rejected calls from politicians, welfare groups and abuse victims to stand down over his handling of the sex-abuse claims during his 11-term as Anglican Archbishop of Brisbane which spanned the 1990s.

A small group of protesters waved placards which said "God save the victims, because nothing will save the governor-general" and "Sack the governor-general" as the queen went to Government House for meetings with Dr Hollingworth and the conservative Prime Minister, Mr John Howard.


Mr Howard has defended Dr Hollingworth, who has denied allegations he tried to conceal abuse complaints while he was archbishop of Brisbane and has rejected calls to stand down.

"I'm disappointed in him and I don't wish for Australia to have a leader who isn't prepared to step outside his own comfort zone," a protester, Ms Victoria Lacy, said of the governor-general.

Ms Lacy, from the Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse, appealed to the queen to help resolve the row. "I wish she could act to help us in this situation," she said. Thousands clapped as the queen was welcomed by a 21-gun military salute and an Aboriginal dance ceremony.