Government urged to strike gold Euro coin

The Irish government was today urged to strike a gold version of the euro to help increase public awareness of the introduction…

The Irish government was today urged to strike a gold version of the euro to help increase public awareness of the introduction of the new common European currency in just over six months time.

The call came from Fianna Fail backbench TD Mr Martin Brady.

He spoke out as official efforts were being intensified to publicise the introduction of the euro on January 1st and its total takeover from the punt a few weeks after that date.

Earlier this week visiting European Central Bank president Mr Wim Duisenberg joined Government ministers in Dublin to boost the profile of the euro.


It was disclosed at that event that only 36 per cent of the Irish population knew about the dual-circulation period set to apply during the opening part of 2002, and the Minister for Finance, Mr McCreevy admitted there was still some way to go towards generating better knowledge of the euro.

Mr Brady said "The changeover to the euro will be a most important event. And while a campaign is already under way to educate us all to the changes in prices, every effort to promote public awareness about our new currency should be encouraged.

"The minting of a gold coin - which always results in a major publicity drive and huge interest among collectors - should now go ahead.

"The World Gold Council, which promotes the use of gold and recently appointed a Japanese investment banker to promote gold and make it the most desirable product on earth, could also be drawn into the promotion."

Mr Brady said the Gold Council had a IR30 million fund to promote gold and the golden euro would represent an ideal opportunity to boost the introduction of the currency "not just in Ireland, but across the whole community".