German sentiment improved in August

German analyst and investor sentiment improved by more than expected in August, a survey by the ZEW economic research institute…

German analyst and investor sentiment improved by more than expected in August, a survey by the ZEW economic research institute showed today.

The think tank's economic expectations index for Germany rose to 56.1 in August from 39.5 in July, taking the indicator to its highest level since April 2006, the ZEW said. Economists polled by Reuters last week had forecast the index would rise to 45.0.

The index was based on a survey of 301 analysts and investors polled from July 27th to August 17th, the think tank said.

A separate index of current conditions from the Mannheim-based ZEW rose to -77.2 from -89.3 in July. Economists had forecast an increase to -85.0 in the poll.
