Gardaí treating hospital fireas suspicious

Gardaí are treating as highly suspicious a fire which broke out at South Tipperary General Hospital in Clonmel early yesterday…

Gardaí are treating as highly suspicious a fire which broke out at South Tipperary General Hospital in Clonmel early yesterday. The fire was discovered in a single room, occupied by an 80-year- old patient, after a smoke alarm went off.

It broke out in a medical ward about 10 feet from a storage cupboard where another fire was discovered the previous day.

Insp John Courtney of Clonmel Garda station said he believed that both were linked.

He said the station was alerted about the latest fire at 1.25am yesterday. "A fire had been discovered in room 9 of medical ward 3 at the hospital. The room was occupied by an 80-year-old woman who was from the Clonmel area.


"The staff of the hospital were alerted by a smoke alarm and rushed to the scene and succeeded in rescuing the patient from the room and extinguishing the fire," he added. "Prompt action definitely saved the patient, there is no doubt about it.

"We are treating the matter as very suspicious and a criminal investigation is under way."

The area where the fire broke out has been sealed off for forensic examination and staff and patients are being interviewed.

The Health Service Executive (HSE), which runs the hospital, said additional security had been brought in while the investigation was under way. "Gardaí have sealed off the area and are carrying out a criminal investigation."

It said this fire was discovered by a porter, who noticed the woman's bed was on fire. "He immediately removed a patient uninjured to safety."

All other patients on the same ward were then evacuated. "In line with emergency plan procedures, 22 patients were evacuated to another part of the hospital," it said. "The HSE wishes to pay tribute to patients and staff in their prompt response to the emergency and the manner it was dealt with."

Breda Kavanagh, hospital general manager, thanked all involved in bringing the fire under control, including the Clonmel fire services.

Hospital services are continuing as normal.