Gardaí start inquiry into Westport 'siege' ordeal

GARDAÍ ARE investigating a siege ordeal in Westport, Co Mayo early yesterday which left a young mother hospitalised with a serious…

GARDAÍ ARE investigating a siege ordeal in Westport, Co Mayo early yesterday which left a young mother hospitalised with a serious facial injury.

Two men, arrested earlier under section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act 1984, were being held in custody at Westport Garda station last night for questioning in connection with the incident which occurred in a house at Pearse Terrace.

The suspects are in their late teens and were arrested following incidents of public order and assault at the house.

A couple in their late teens and their two-month-old baby were brought to Mayo General Hospital in Castlebar. They were later transferred to University College Hospital.


What local gardaí describe as “a type of siege situation” developed after officers were called to the house at 2.30am to deal with complaints of “anti-social behaviour”. There were six adults and three children in the house when gardaí arrived, a statement issued by the Garda press office said.

The statement continued: “The female has a serious facial injury and the male and baby where taken to hospital as a precaution. Another woman in her early 20s was treated at the scene for minor injuries.”

Garda reinforcements were brought in from Castlebar to help deal with the incident. HSE West has been informed of the circumstances.