Gardaí investigate Ballymun death

Gardaí are appealing for information following the death of a 33-year-old man who fell from the balcony of fifth floor apartment…

Gardaí are appealing for information following the death of a 33-year-old man who fell from the balcony of fifth floor apartment in north Dublin yesterday.

The results of a post-mortem on the man, a Lithuanian national, are expected later today.

The man was fatally injured when he hit the roof of a car parked in the grounds below the top floor apartment at the Hamptons complex at Santry Cross shortly after 7am yesterday.

He was taken to the Mater hospital in Dublin where he died a short time later.

His 30-year-old wife, also Lithuanian, was seriously injured and brought to the Mater hospital for treatment.

It is understood another Lithuanian woman and the couple's two children, aged two and three, were in the apartment at the time. Gardaí said a domestic incident had taken place.

Gardaí have interviewed residents of neighbouring apartments in the complex as part of their investigation.

Ballymun gardaí have appealed for anyone with information about the incident to contact them at 01 666 4400 or the Garda confidential line at 1800 666 111.