Gardai investigate armed robbery in Dublin

Dublin gardaí are investigating the armed robbery of a security company vehice in Clondalkin this morning when a lone gunman …

Dublin gardaí are investigating the armed robbery of a security company vehice in Clondalkin this morning when a lone gunman made away with a sum of money believed to be around €750,000.

Gardaí said the incident occurred when the crew of a cash security company vehicle were making a delivery to the Bank of Ireland in Clondalkin shortly before midday.

A lone gunman hijacked the vehicle and forced the driver to take the vehicle to Commons Road in Clondalkin. The culprit then made away with a substantial amount of cash.

There were no shots fired during the incident and the security company vehicle, a beige Nissan Patrol, is now being examined by garda technical experts.


Investigating officers have appealed to anybody who may have witnessed the incident or noticed suspicious or unusual activity in the area this morning to contact Clondalkin Garda Station.