Gardaí drafted in for Dublin's 'Freeflow'

Hundreds of gardaí have been drafted into Dublin for the force's annual drive to keep the capital's traffic moving over Christmas…

Hundreds of gardaí have been drafted into Dublin for the force's annual drive to keep the capital's traffic moving over Christmas.

Some 160 officers have been transferred to Dublin Garda stations for Operation Freeflow, which began yesterday and will finish on January 4th.

In addition, 48 motorcycle patrols will be put on key routes at peak times, supported by other mobile patrols, mountain bike patrols, the Garda Mounted Unit and the Garda Air Support Unit, according to the Garda Press Office.

The operation will be managed from the Garda Traffic Control Centre on Harcourt Square, which will be in contact with Dublin City Council's Traffic Centre.


Gardaí have advised the public to use public transport whenever possible. During last year's Operation Freeflow, Dublin Bus carried an extra 10,000 passengers per day.

Luas, Nite-link, Bus Eireann and Nite-ryder services also recorded increases of approximately 10 per cent.

Motorists who do drive to the city centre have been warned to keep junctions free, particularly by not clogging up yellow box junctions and to avoid illegal parking Road Safety.

Gardaí also said they would man static checkpoints to clamp down on drink driving, excessive speed, inappropriate driving, the non-wearing of seat belts and HGV offences.

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times