Gardai appeal over Dublin murder

Gardaí investigating the murder of Edward (Eddie) McCabe in Dublin earlier this month have issued a new appeal for information…

Gardaí investigating the murder of Edward (Eddie) McCabe in Dublin earlier this month have issued a new appeal for information.

Mr McCabe (21), a father of one from Rafter's Lane, Drimnagh, died in St James's Hospital on  December 9th, over a week after he was found badly beaten in a laneway off Tyrconnell Road, Inchicore, on December 1st.

The Garda press office said in a statement that gardaí in Kilmainham would like the occupants of two vehicles involved in a minor traffic accident on Tyrconnell Road between 9pm and 11pm to come forward.

The drivers of both vehicles left the scene of the accident before gardaí arrived. Detectives are anxious to speak with them, the Garda press office said.


Supt Thady Muldoon of Kevin Street Garda station said Mr McCabe had suffered a "severe and brutal assault" and that he appeared to have been "dumped" in the laneway.

"There are people who have information, we are fully aware of that, there are people who know what happened to Eddie and we are appealing to them to come forward," the senior Garda said.

Mr McCabe was found by a local resident who was parking in a laneway behind a row of houses. It is believed the victim had  been there for no more than half an hour.

Anyone with information may contact the incident room at 01-6669750, the Garda station main number at 01-6669700 or any Garda station.