Garda search for bodies of IRA victims to be called off this evening

Garda searches at five locations in the Republic for the bodies of six IRA victims are to be called off this evening.

Garda searches at five locations in the Republic for the bodies of six IRA victims are to be called off this evening.

Since May 2nd the resumed searches have been taking place at Bragan, Co Monaghan; Ballymullagh, Co Meath; Cogalls town, Co Meath (for two bodies); Oristown, Co Meath; and Templetown, Co, Louth.

Digging at the sites followed new information from the IRA.

The searches began last year and the remains of three men were recovered. John McClory and Brian McKinney were found buried in Co Monaghan, and Eamon Malloy's body was left in a coffin above ground in Co Louth.


After nearly two months of searching last year, all the digs were ended when no further remains were uncovered.

A Garda spokesman said last night they had complied with all the requests of the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims' Remains "and more". He said regret had been expressed to the families.

A statement from the commission last night said the outcome was "a deep disappointment to the commission and represents a further setback for the grieving relatives".

The family of Mrs Jean McConville, one of the six people still missing, criticised the decision and said they would maintain the search themselves if necessary. The family asked builders to lend them equipment.

Mrs McConville's son Rory said: "We are appealing to the commission to keep the digs open as long as possible. If they call the digs off permanently, we will dig ourselves." His brother James appealed to the IRA member who originally dug his mother's grave to get in touch with further information.

The commission said it was aware of the relatives' "strong view" that the searches should continue.

"While the degree of grief and commitment shown by such family members is exemplary, the commission must emphasise that all information available about the possible location of bodies has been followed up well beyond the original search area."

The statement paid tribute to i have put into the search Garda efforts. "The sad fact is that the full potential of available information has been thoroughly explored without a successful outcome at any of these five sites."

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times