Gang sought over £40m heist

Police in London are seeking a gang who stole £40 million (€46.5 million) in a raid on a jeweller last week.

Police in London are seeking a gang who stole £40 million (€46.5 million) in a raid on a jeweller last week.

Two smartly-dressed armed robbers stole the jewellery from Graff Jewellers in Mayfair last Thursday.

Scotland Yard issued CCTV images of the duo today as they conned their way past a security guard at the prestigious New Bond Street shop.

Once inside they pulled out two handguns and threatened staff before snatching expensive rings, bracelets, necklaces and watches. After arriving in a black taxi, they fired two warning shots into the ground as they escaped in a series of vehicles across Soho.

Detective Chief Inspector Pam Mace, of the Flying Squad, said the pair are "extremely dangerous".

She said: "This was a well planned robbery with a number of vehicles used to help the robbers escape.

"These men are extremely dangerous and fired at least two shots in busy London streets as they made their getaway.

The heist dwarfs what is thought to be Britain's previous biggest jewellery robbery, a £23 million raid at the same shop in 2003. Two members of the Eastern European crime syndicate were later jailed for 20 years for their role in the raid.