Funeral of Eithne Kenny takes place

The funeral of Eithne Kenny, mother of Taoiseach Enda Kenny, was held in Co Mayo today.

The funeral of Eithne Kenny, mother of Taoiseach Enda Kenny, was held in Co Mayo today.

Mrs Kenny died at Mayo General Hospital early on Saturday, aged 93.

Hundreds of of sympathisers gathered at the Church of the Holy Rosary in Castlebar today for Ms Kenny's funeral, which the Taoiseach said yesterday he wanted to be a celebration of a life well lived.

Fr Pat Donnellan, parish priest in Islandeady, said Mrs Kenny felt great pride in her son.


“When each election came around I heard her say she ‘threw the tongs out the door after them for good luck’, and I know it was then that she stormed the heavens and prayed that all would be well,” Fr Donnellan said.

“Her modest nature did not allow her to boast, but I know she was as proud as punch that God blessed her with a son, who is Taoiseach of our country.”

The Taoiseach paid tribute to his mother, who had been involved in political life for 60 years.

“We have had an enormous privilege with the longevity of her life, but I suppose few have had the privilege themselves, and what privilege it is, of serving in the political field from 1954 until last week,” he told the congregation.

Mourners included former president Mary McAleese and her husband, Senator Martin McAleese; Fianna Fáil party leader Micheál Martin; former taoiseach Bertie Ahern; and Northern Ireland Deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness.

Mrs Kenny was laid to rest in Islandeady cemetery, a lakeside setting about 5km from Castlebar, following Requiem Mass. She is survived by the Taoiseach and his brothers John, Henry, Kieran and sister Marie.

President Michael D Higgins and several Ministers attended the removal last night. Fianna Fáil was represented by deputy leader Éamon Ó Cuív.

Additional reporting PA