Food writer calls for `GM-free' Ireland

The Government needs to listen carefully to what people are saying about GM food, particularly at this time of elections, and…

The Government needs to listen carefully to what people are saying about GM food, particularly at this time of elections, and respond to their concerns by declaring Ireland "GM free", according to the cook and food writer, Darina Allen.

At a seminar on GM food in Dublin hosted by Green MEP Ms Nuala Ahern, Ms Allen said that with each revelation of detrimental effects from gene technology, demand for organic produce was "sky-rocketing".

This represented an opportunity for Ireland to deliver on its green image, especially as some in France and Germany were questioning if we were in fact providing as promised in terms of being green. Clean, high-quality food with absolute traceability was essential to "Ireland - the food island".

"Ireland the GM-free island" might not have the same ring to it but it reinforced the image of a "clean, green and unpolluted environment", said Ms Allen, who farms organically.


She disagreed with the Food Safety Authority of Ireland view that GM foods were safe, despite serving on its board up to last year.

"In reality, there's no way, whether you are for or against, of knowing what the long-term effects are on mammals and humans. They should not be on our shelves. GM foods are being forced on us before we are sure." Ms Ahern claimed the Government was hiding behind a flimsy excuse that a moratorium was impossible on GM food development because of EU legislation. Yet Austria and Luxembourg had applied bans. The Minister for the Environment should do likewise, given the extent of genuine concern among Irish consumers.