Flood chaos afflicts South Asia

Heavy rain fell on southern India and the Pakistani city of Karachi today as a cyclone loomed off the coast.

Heavy rain fell on southern India and the Pakistani city of Karachi today as a cyclone loomed off the coast.

Authorities in Pakistan and neighbouring India have evacuated thousands of people from low-lying areas after weekend storms and flooding killed nearly 400 people across the south Asian region.

But Pakistan's Meteorological Department said the worst might be over for Karachi, the nation's biggest city, which is struggling to restore power in some areas after the weekend chaos.

"Tropical Cyclone 03B (Yemyin) during the last six hours has moved in a north-westerly direction and its intensity has also decreased slightly," the department said, adding the storm was moving away from the city of about 12 million people.


The storm was due to hit land in Baluchistan province, to the west of Sindh province, of which Karachi is capital.

At least six people were killed in severe weather in Baluchistan today and authorities there said thousands of people were being evacuated from low-lying areas, including from near a dam.

In neighbouring India, authorities have began evacuating tens of thousands threatened by flooding as the death toll from havoc wreaked by the arrival of the rainy season topped 150.

Thousands of villages have been left without basic services in India's worst-hit southern state of Andhra Pradesh.

Indian weather officials forecast heavy rain on both west and east coasts, with a storm in the Bay of Bengal due to hit Andhra Pradesh today.

Hundreds of people are killed each year, and hundreds of thousands are forced from their homes, in the South Asian rainy season.