Filmmaker Morrison to get lifetime achievement award

Veteran documentary maker George Morrison will be honoured with an industry lifetime contribution gong at the Irish Film and …

Veteran documentary maker George Morrison will be honoured with an industry lifetime contribution gong at the Irish Film and Television Awards (IFTA), it emerged today.

Morrison is best known for Ireland's first Irish language feature film - Mise Eire- which was compiled 50 years ago and recounted the events surrounding the Easter Rising.

President Mary McAleese will present the accolade at the IFTA’s on Saturday evening.

Aine Moriarty, IFTA chief executive, said Mr Morrison’s work was of major importance and significance.


“Irish people need to know this man behind the scenes, who persevered as a filmmaker and archivist through harsh periods of Irish history, times when an Irish film and television industry barely existed,” Ms Moriarty said.

“We are proud to put the national and international spotlight on George Morrison.”

The IFTAs Feature Documentary category is also to be named the George Morrison Feature Documentary award in his honour.

Tributes will also be paid to Mr Morrison by directors Neil Jordan and Jim Sheridan as well as Senator David Norris.

Mr Jordan claimed Mr Morrison was an inspiration. “It is remarkable what George Morrison has achieved through the 1970s and 1980s with almost no support,” he said.

“He’s done extraordinary documentary work and extraordinary work as an archivist, one of the few in Ireland who have done that, he’s an inspiration to all of us.”

The historical documentary Mise Eirewas made in 1959 and was the first feature film to include a full orchestra and the first in the Irish language.

It was followed by a second film, Saoirse?,in 1961 while several other documentaries have been compiled in the years after.

The sixth IFTAs will be held on Saturday evening in Dublin.