Fianna Fáil Dáil motion over horse meat

Fianna Fáil has renewed its call for an independent investigation into the horse meat scandal as European authorities continue…

Fianna Fáil has renewed its call for an independent investigation into the horse meat scandal as European authorities continue to find contaminated food products.

The party this week placed a motion before the Dáil “to examine the controls on the slaughter and export of horse meat from this country, the controls on imports of meat into the country, supervision of labelling and processing of meat products, the response of the authorities to the crisis, and the response at EU level to the crisis”.

Yesterday thousands of beef burgers made by the Burger Manufacturing Company in Powys, Wales, were withdrawn from the UK market after three of nine samples ordered by the Food Standards Agency tested positive for at least 1 per cent horse meat, the Guardian reported.

Dan Griffin

Dan Griffin

Dan Griffin is an Irish Times journalist