FF TD must repay €7,400

FIANNA FÁIL TD John Browne will have to repay almost €7,400 to the State after it emerged he was being paid a ministerial pension…

FIANNA FÁIL TD John Browne will have to repay almost €7,400 to the State after it emerged he was being paid a ministerial pension to which he was not entitled.

The Department of Public Expenditure and Reform has apologised to the Wexford TD and said arrangements for recouping €7,396.31 will be put in place.

Sitting TDs are no longer entitled to receive pensions for previous service as ministers. But the former minister of State at the Department of Agriculture received payments for nine months.

“It beggars belief that incorrect payments are being made at a time when there is so much emphasis on reducing expenditure within the public service . . . I am making arrangements for full and prompt return of any overpayments,” Mr Browne said.


The error came to light when pension payments to TDs and former ministers were publicised following a parliamentary question to the department by Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams. Figures obtained from the department by Mr Adams mistakenly indicated that Mr Browne received a combined TD and ministerial pension of €55,202.36. This incorrect figure included a TD’s pension of €44,220.60, which was in fact correctly paid to the deputy’s namesake John Browne, a former Fine Gael TD for Carlow-Kilkenny.

However, an examination of the records showed an annual €10,981.76 ministerial pension was being incorrectly paid to Mr Browne.

“Following incorrect media reports last week that I was in receipt of a €55,000 pension, I contacted the Department of Finance to understand how a mistake like this could be made,” Mr Browne said. “I am moving quickly with the department to ensure that any overpayment is repaid in full.”

A letter sent to Mr Adams from the department apologised to the Sinn Féin leader for the error in the answer to the parliamentary question.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times