Family to challenge liver list rule

THE FAMILY of a teenager admitted to hospital with liver failure after a weekend of heavy drinking with his friends is to challenge…

THE FAMILY of a teenager admitted to hospital with liver failure after a weekend of heavy drinking with his friends is to challenge a rule keeping him off the waiting list for a liver transplant.

Gareth Anderson (19) was taken into the Ulster hospital earlier this month but he cannot be considered for a transplant since he has not been alcohol-free for six months.

His father, Brian Anderson, said he would mount a legal challenge to the ruling.

He told the BBC: “I have to take this to the courts, what else can I do? In my opinion Gareth doesn’t fit in with the six-month policy.” Stormont Health Minister Michael McGimpsey yesterday said that the teenager’s medical history and current condition were being fully considered in assessing his suitability for a liver transplant.