Family leaves bishop's property

The 13-member Traveller family who moved on to the grounds of the Ennis residence of the Bishop of Killaloe, Dr Willie Walsh, …

The 13-member Traveller family who moved on to the grounds of the Ennis residence of the Bishop of Killaloe, Dr Willie Walsh, two months ago without his permission has moved off the property.

The move by the Molloy family to accommodation at Clare County Council's emergency halting site in Ennis comes as gardaí confirmed yesterday that two formal complaints were received over the presence of the Molloys from residents of an adjoining private housing estate. Dr Walsh said yesterday he was aware of at least one formal complaint to gardaí during the Molloys' stay.

The family moved on to the bishop's Westbourne residence in May while Dr Walsh was away and refused to move off the property.

"I'm glad that the family has got somewhere. I like to do what I can, but obviously my neighbours have rights too. A previous Traveller family stayed on the grounds here for 1½ years and I didn't receive any complaint," Dr Walsh said. "I'm happy that the council can provide for the family. It is a serious issue as there are 11 children there."

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times