Eye on Nature

Michael Viney responds to queries and observations on nature

Michael Viney responds to queries and observations on nature

Instead of having normal seeds with little sails, an ash tree nearby has a number of clusters of rough dark chestnut-brown timbery growth, each the size of a small bunch of grapes.

Desmond Hall, Cappoquin, Co Waterford

The tree has ash flower gall caused by an eriophyid mite which laid its eggs in the bud. The larvae of the mite secrete chemicals which cause abnormal growth of the bud.


I made and erected bat boxes last St Stephen's Day. Since then I have seen no sign of bats, but on the bark on the tree underneath is a white substance.

Mike Walker, Enniskerry, Co Wicklow

You've had birds, probably tits, nesting in your bat box. The usual entrance for bats is underneath, so seal up the front and make a 22mm slot underneath. Birds may persist and you may need to accommodate them.

I disturbed a frog in my suburban garden. Is this an unusual habitat for frogs?

Deirdre Nulty, Leixlip, Co Kildare

A garden is a usual habitat for frogs, where they are very useful slug eaters.

• Send observations to Michael Viney, Thallabawn, Carrowinskey PO, Westport, co Mayo; e-mail: viney@anu.ie (include a postal address).