Examination of fatal fire house continues

The forensic examination of the farmhouse at Annagh, near Castlemaine, Co Kerry, where three members of the Daly family lost …

The forensic examination of the farmhouse at Annagh, near Castlemaine, Co Kerry, where three members of the Daly family lost their lives in a fire on Sunday, is not expected to finish until late this evening.

Dr Margot Bolster, assistant State pathologist, yesterday conducted post-mortem examinations on Mr John Daly (66), Ms Mary Daly (57) and Mr Shane Daly (24) at Tralee General Hospital.

A Garda spokesman said material from the house was being sifted through, and a thorough examination was being conducted.

Garda forensic experts were working to establish the cause of the fire, and had yesterday removed a quantity of material for laboratory analysis.


Garda superintendent Mr Pat O'Sullivan said it now appeared the fire may have started well before 8.30 a.m., when a passing bus driver reported seeing smoke to the station in Tralee.

The house, which is well in from the road, is visible from both the main Dingle-Killarney road, the R561, and the Castlemaine to Tralee N70.

The Garda has appealed to anyone who may have seen smoke in the area, especially those on their way early in the morning to the All-Ireland final in Dublin, to contact them at 066 9767317.

The fire brigade and neighbours who rushed to the house shortly after 8.30 a.m. found it in flames, with the roof in a partial state of collapse. An unoccupied adjoining house was saved.

Three other members of the family, Mr James Daly, Ms Margaret Daly and Ms Marie Daly, were not in the house at the time of the fire.

Funeral arrangements were being finalised last night.