Ex minister to seek Tory nomination

London - The former British transport minister, Mr Steven Norris, yesterday confirmed that he would once again stand for selection…

London - The former British transport minister, Mr Steven Norris, yesterday confirmed that he would once again stand for selection as the Conservative Party candidate for mayor of London, reports Luke Holland. He was decisively beaten by Lord Archer in the first selection process.

Mr Norris was reportedly annoyed at his party's decision not to install him as candidate immediately after the disgraced peer's departure from the race, but insisted yesterday that they had made the right decision by restarting the entire process from scratch.

The odds are heavily stacked against him actually becoming mayor however. He has a history of extra-marital affairs and is opposed to his leader, Mr William Hague's support of section 28 of the 1988 Local Government Act. Section 28, which the current Labour administration intends to repeal, makes it illegal for local authorities to promote homosexuality as a normal way of life.