EP News

Conversion rates: 1 ECU = IR£(punt) 0.76, as at November 1st, 1997 Abbreviations

Conversion rates: 1 ECU = IR£(punt) 0.76, as at November 1st, 1997 Abbreviations

PES - Party of European Socialists

EPP - European People's Party

UFE - Union for Europe


EDLR - Group of the European Liberal, Democratic and Reformist Party

EUL/NGL - Confederal Group of the European United Left-Nordic Green Left

Greens - Green Group in the European Parliament

ERA - European Radical Alliance

Ind - Non-attached

A: Austria; B: Belgium; D: Germany; Dk: Denmark; E: Spain; F: France; Fin: Finland; Gr: Greece; I: Italy; Ire: Ireland; L: Luxembourg; Nl: Netherlands; P: Portugal; S: Sweden; UK: United Kingdom; EC: European Community, EU: European Union

EP News is a public information supplement prepared by the Central Press Division of DG III, European Parliament, and edited by Roy Worsley. It appears each month, except August, and is published in The Irish Times on the Saturday of the week following Parliament's Strasbourg session. Responsibility for the content rests with the European Parliament. Correspondence should be addressed to Roy Worsley, Central Press Division, European Parliament, LEO Building, rue Belliard 97-113, 1047 Brussels, Belgium.

Further information on the European Parliament may be had from the European Parliament Office in Ireland, European Union House, 43 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 6705 7900 Fax: (01) 605.7999. Next issue: Saturday, December 27th.