Emotional surgeon tells of victim's three heart attacks

An accident and emergency surgeon has told a jury that Alan Higgins, a schoolboy, suffered three heart attacks before he died…

An accident and emergency surgeon has told a jury that Alan Higgins, a schoolboy, suffered three heart attacks before he died.

Dr Adrian Ireland said Mr Higgins lost a huge volume of blood. "He was unable to clot, and there was blood oozing from every cut," he said.

The accused, who cannot be named for legal reasons, denies murdering Mr Higgins (17), of Carraroe Avenue in The Donaghies, Donaghmede, on October 13th, 2002, outside a cinema on Dublin's northside.

The accused also denies stealing the victim's mobile phone and a sum of cash on the previous day.


A tearful Dr Ireland told the jury that Mr Higgins went into cardiac arrest in the ambulance on his way to Beaumont Hospital.

The A&E surgeon said he was attempting to remove a part of a lung when Mr Higgins had his third heart attack. He and his team attempted to resuscitate him in the operating theatre but these attempts failed. The schoolboy was pronounced dead at 3.10 a.m. on October 13th, 2002, by Dr Ireland, the court heard.

Yesterday Garda Enda Dwyer showed the heavily bloodstained clothes of Mr Higgins to the jury.

He told the jury of eight men and four women that he received the clothes Mr Higgins had been wearing when he was fatally stabbed. The white T-shirt the victim had been wearing had been cut down the front and was heavily bloodstained, Garda Dwyer said.

The witness also presented to the court the jacket Mr Higgins had been wearing. It was cut down the side and there were blood marks on the sleeve.

As Mr Higgins's last clothes were shown to the jury his visibly upset family left the court.

Garda Dwyer said he met Mr Ireland, the surgeon who had been operating on Mr Higgins, at 3.10 a.m. on October 13th, 2002.

"He informed me that Alan Higgins had passed away and was pronounced dead", he said. Garda Dwyer said the body was formally identified by Ms Miriam Higgins at 7 a.m.

Mr Ciaran Delaney (18), from Swords, told the jury he was attacked by three youths on the night Mr Higgins was murdered.

As Mr Delaney and two of his friends were going towards Burger King near the UCI complex, three teenage boys allegedly robbed him of his school bag.

"They pulled it off me and ran away", he said. Mr Delaney said there were cans of 'Dutch Gold' lager and a minidisc in his bag.

After his bag was stolen, Mr Delaney joined more of his friends and went looking for the three youths. "An argument broke out when we asked for my bag back. They offered a fight for the bag", Mr Delaney said.

He claims one of the youths hit his friend in the head and then there was "a bit of a brawl".

Mr Delaney got his bag back but without the cans of lager or the minidisc. He claims that one of his attackers was "significantly smaller" than the other two and was wearing a red Manchester United jersey.

Yesterday Mr Adam McDermott, also 18, told the jury he was also attacked by three youths on the night Mr Higgins lost his life.

The trial continues today before Mr Justice Abbott.