Egypt offers broad support for US talks

EGYPT: Egypt has offered broad support for peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians in the United States next week but …

EGYPT:Egypt has offered broad support for peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians in the United States next week but again is pressing for a firm timetable for setting up a Palestinian state.

Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak endorsed the meeting at a joint news conference yesterday with visiting Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, who is looking for wide Arab participation in the Annapolis conference called by US president George Bush.

"I look forward to it leading to the launching of serious peace negotiations which deal with all final status issues in a defined timeframe and according to an agreed follow-up mechanism," Mr Mubarak said.

Mr Mubarak did not confirm definitively that Egypt would send a delegation to Annapolis or encourage other Arab governments to take part in the meeting.


Arab foreign ministers are meeting in Cairo on Friday to take a common position on the peace conference. Some Arab countries might not attend unless they see more progress in preparatory Israeli-Palestinian talks.

However Egypt and Jordan, the two Arab countries which have signed peace treaties with the Jewish state, are expected to go to Annapolis, probably at the level of foreign ministers.

Mr Olmert said yesterday he welcomed Egyptian support for the Annapolis conference but played down expectations. Diplomats and officials say the chances of a detailed agreement are small and the most to expect is a framework for arrangements for future Israeli-Palestinian talks.

The Arabs had wanted much more, especially a detailed timetable for setting up the Palestinian state.

Mr Mubarak defended Egypt's record, saying it would not allow arms to enter Sinai or Gaza.