What is the scariest thing about college?

Stella Wilson

Stella Wilson

The scary size makes it so impersonal. I came up here on my own so meeting new people and getting used to new things is quite intimidating. Everything is fairly straightforward, but it's a challenge and also quite exciting to be in such a big class. I'm staying in digs and I haven't been out at night yet.

Ian Goulding

The amount of people is a bit intimidating but there're loads of them from my school. I've been out a few nights but in lectures people pretty much just talk to their friends or read their free paper. The best thing is the amount of different things going on - all the societies and clubs, they're good for meeting new people.


Elaine Kiernan

There are 18,000 people here, that is a pretty scary thing. It is so different from school. Three other people from my school are here but I haven't seen them. I'm living on campus which helps, I think. Our apartment is great - the lads across from us are always in our place messing about and we stay up late at night chatting.

Joe Coffey

Scariest thing for me is that food here is really expensive. No, seriously, I think the atmosphere is great. Some other people came from my school but aren't in my class. I'm sharing a house in Ringsend and that's working out fine. I miss my friends at home a bit but I haven't found starting here scary at all - it's great craic.

Arlene Erskine

The thing that's scary is that UCD is so big. Meeting people is also a bit scary, I guess, but it's the same for everyone. After you've talked to one person it gets easier. All the people hanging around in groups can be a bit intimidating but joining societies, getting loads of free stuff and your independence is the best.

Joe O'Doherty

When I first walked into my class and found there were only 13 people in it - that was scary. I don't really find it that daunting because my brother was here, so I've hung out around campus before. I try and make the effort to meet new people. I went to the Law Soc night in the Red Box - socialising is an important part of college.