Teacher's PET

An insider's guide to education

An insider's guide to education

A major victory has been recorded by USI boss Colm Jordan and his sidekick Noel Hogan, campaigns officer.

Uppity students in Trinity College Dublin wanted to leave the organisation, but a motion to disaffiliate from USI was lost last week after tireless campaigning by Messrs. Hogan and Jordan.

Some 65 per cent of Trinity voters backed staying within USI. This represented a major victory for the USI chiefs and a serious blow to their rivals in the student movement. Jordan and Hogan campaigned hard around the hallowed halls of Trinity and their battling qualities paid off.


Their message that students should stick together at this critical juncture would seem to be a sensible one.

The UCD presidential race continues to dominate conversation out Belfield way and TP regularly likes to fuel the gossipy fires.

Last week, the college chose a fresh member to sit on the selection committee, which will eventually pick the lucky man or woman.

The Dean of Science, Professor M J Kennedy, is to replace Dr Hugh Brady, the young doctor who many regard as a front runner for the job.

Dr Fergus D'Arcy, the Dean of Arts, is also proving to be a popular option with staff in Belfield. The bookies have yet to set odds on this battle, but expect Brady and D'Arcy to be there or thereabouts next year when the result is announced.

The inaugural meeting of the Forum on Educational Disadvantage brought about 300 educationalists and others to Dublin Castle last week.

The session was notable for a striking speech by Noel Dempsey. Instead of using the address prepared for him, the Minister had read extensively on the subject and incorporated his own ideas. Any resemblance with some previous ministers....? And instead of dashing off after the speech, the Minister and the secretary general, John Dennehy, stayed for the entire proceedings.

Dempsey is already earning a very strong reputation in education circles. Now, if only he had some new money to spend.

Congrats to John McGinnity, the dynamic admissions officer at NUI Maynooth, who has been appointed assistant registrar. McGinnity is a hugely respected figure who looks set to have a glittering future ahead of him.

Also best wishes to Eileen Banks, who leaves the Maynooth's communications office shortly. Now if only some other colleges could emulate Maynooth's PR style!

Got any education gossip? You can e-mail us in confidence at teacherspet@irish-times.ie