What they are saying on skoool.ie

Student forum: Some comments from skoool.ie visitors - in their own words - on the exam story so far...

Student forum: Some comments from skoool.ie visitors - in their own words - on the exam story so far . . .


That foundation english paper was particularly pleasing I felt the entire exam drifted like a wispy puff of smoke, it was palpitably sensous! - Jim the Fox

Lads Seriously, when I say this I don't mean to rub it in like but, tomorrow I've my last and final exam I've to ever do in my secondary school its so class its not even funny!!!!!!! And I wouldnt mind what was all the flippin hype about? It's like an easy day at school!!!!!! - Devious Star


Does anyone not agree that LC HL Biology was dreadful. - Strawberry Queen

Ordinary Maths LCp2 was absolutely HORRIFIC!! Im trying to scrape by with that oh so important 40% to get into 3rd level but that totally messed it up. Anyone who thought they did well are lying. - Missy

I got really confuesd this morning and concluded my French letter in German - Jaina

I thought that JC HL maths paper2 was mad hard!! I read in The Irish Times today that some guy called Jim Healy said that the test was good an that "there were no real nasty shocks in it". I agree there were no nasty shocks IN IT becuase the WHOLE PAPER was a nasty shock!!! He also said "I think the examiners did an excellent job on it". Well that's a matter of opinion but I agree that they did an excellent job of making sure the majority of students in the country could do barely any of it! - Smiley Girl

French LC HL was a nice paper, the letter was missing and good riddance, let it stay missing for all I care. It just proves that if you don't bother learning all those god damn phrases it'll all pay off in the end. - Dan

CAUTION TO ALL LC HISTORY STUDENTS. Predictions for LC history (v.good source). Collins, Griffith, Sinn Fein rising (in section B), Bismarck, rise of Hitler (Weimar), Stalin and Charles de Gaulle. UNIONISM WILL NOT COME UP..... parts of the exam come up every second year just like unionism, since it is the last year of the history exam this year they have decided NOT to be predictable....WATCH OUT. - predictor

So angry...... France didn't come up in Geography yesterday after all my tedious study. Overall the LC isn't as bad as they all think, though? You may not get what you want but that's life, just move on and pick a different course. We're lucky really, just think of Micheal Jackson. Although his verdict is not guilty his life is pretty much ruined! - study chick

I hate people who say tests were easy. I bet you studied since day one with no social life. I studied hard and on the day I messed up or what I learned didn't come up. It's not fair. - Lee

LC HL Maths 2 was definitely easier than paper 1!! Circle and line were nice enough. Missed Tan inverse in option though, but it turned out ok. Vector was way harder than usual. I skipped Q4 and did 5 instead. Boy am I sorry I did that!! Trig was sooo hard this year. Thank god for probability, though 7c was really tricky!! - Ash

Maths p1 LC was impossible. P2 was fine though. - Adfh