Mix-ups may have confused some students

Junior Cert: ordinary-level Irish: Satisfactory but "not without its mistakes" was the reaction of teachers to the ordinary-…

Junior Cert: ordinary-level Irish:Satisfactory but "not without its mistakes" was the reaction of teachers to the ordinary-level paper yesterday afternoon.

The aural exam was described as "fine", although there were some areas of concern. Robbie Cronin, subject representative for the ASTI, spotted a problem with the illustrations on the paper.

One question involved a school principal, and while the voice on the CD was female, the illustration on the paper was male.

"There was a similar mix-up in a question about a weather forecast," said Mr Cronin. "It could have confused some students."


The written exam kicked off with a series of pictures that had to be matched to words or phrases.

"I felt that some of the phrases were very wordy," said Bláithín Ní Líatháin, TUI subject representative.

She praised the layout of the paper as "very clear" and singled out the litir as a good example.

Teachers thought the comprehension texts and questions were topical, and the poetry questions were described as "kind".