Pushy Dads? Gearing up for childbirth

"Breaking up is not the easy option, but often it's presented as more of a solution that it actually is" Two Cork midwives have…

"Breaking up is not the easy option, but often it's presented as more of a solution that it actually is" Two Cork midwives have teamed up to fill a hole in the market by firmly including fathers in their birth-preparation classes

The second most important adult at a birth, after the mother, is the father. Women are allowed only one companion during birth, so it is usually the father who is expected to be the mother's companion, comforting her, encouraging her and - if necessary - negotiating with her medical team.

I don't know what Andre Agassi and David Beckham did in this situation, but I bet they felt as confused as most fathers do. Bizarrely, it's the mother who gets all the birthing classes. The father may get one session - at most - to prepare for his key role.

So two midwives in Cork, Bridget Sheeran and Clare Boyle, have come up with a brilliant idea: a luxury three-day weekend in West Cork for expectant parents, at which both parents can prepare together for childbirth.


"Preparing for Birth: Childbirth classes with a difference" will take place at the Celtic Ross Hotel and Leisure Centre, Rosscarbery, Cork, from March 14th to 16th. Mothers and fathers will be taught techniques for coping with birth and looking after the new baby.

Sheeran and Boyle's approach is based on the "Birthing from Within" philosophy created by Pam England (to learn more about her, log on to www.birthingfromwithin.com). She believes that parents need to discover their own personal strength and wisdom as they experience this rite of passage.

The course will include relaxation skills, aqua-natal exercise classes, simple massage techniques and homeopathy for mother and baby. The most valuable aspect of England's philosophy is that parents need to give themselves up to the experience. Epidurals and caesarians may be necessary, and parents may have to cope with unexpected surprises. Expectant parents need to go with the flow, in the other words, while also being aware of their choices.

To register for the seminar contact Kate Wycherley at the Celtic Ross Hotel on 023 48722 or LoCall number 1850 272737. Fax: 023 48723. E-mail: reservations@celticross.com or visit the website; www.celticrosshotel.com. All bookings and payments are direct to the hotel.

For more information on the course content, contact Clare Boyle on (021) 477 7943 or Bridget Sheeran on (028) 20633.